Seems there was an altercation when NOW refused to abide by good taste and get off the podium outside the Supreme Court over that New Hampshire Parental Notification case...Jack Yoest has the details:
Rush Limbaugh led off his show today with the altercation between Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D., Fellow at the Family Research Council and Kim Gandy, President of the National Organization of Women in The Nation's Capital.
There was no blood. But it would still be worth watching.
Charmaine was live blogging when the confrontation occurred. Charmaine tells me that she did in fact "strongly encourage" Kim to leave the podium on the steps of the Supreme Court early in today's press conference.
Here's what happened: After Gandy gave her opening remarks, she asked for questions from the reporters. There were none. None.
So Charmaine stepped up to give her remarks. However, there was some resistance by the NOW President to vacate as the unwritten rules of press conference custom demands. Gandy wouldn't get gone.
But resistance was futile. Charmaine moved to the mic. The Good-Guys won. She delivered her statement and civility returned to the world.
Sounds like the NOW Nag had some Diva issues....