Judge Alito, I want to use this "democratic moment" to make a point about democracy. When it comes to our Constitution, Judges perform an important role. But, the people – acting through their elected representatives – play an even more important one.Wrong! Senator, the Constitution clearly points out that there are three EQUAL branches of government. The legislative branch is no more or less important than the judiciary or the executive.
It is thinking like this that further illustrates just how clueless you are about how our government is supposed to work. Perhaps the senator should spend more time attending to government agencies that fall under his committee's oversight areas and less time ponificating on his own importance.
DISCLOSURE: I am the blog administrator for Pierce for Senate. Pierce is a primary challenger to DeWine for the Republican nomination.
Mark's Remarks
On this one, Matt and I are going to disagree. However he meant it, his words are correct. In our system, the people have the ultimate power...I just wish more would use it. And, I wish Mr. DeWine, since he seems to want the people's voice to be heard, would listen to his consitutents instead of the George Soros' Main Street Republican club and the gang of 14.
DISCLOSURE: While not the blog administrator for Pierce for Senate, I do think DeWine is a hack and must be defeated.
Matt's Chat - 1/11 Update
Sure, Mark, because as we all know the legislative branch is the most important branch EVER. Naturally, the executive isn't important either because the People only elect the President once every four years...
The People have a voice in our government...and it is a loud one...and it is an important voice... Some of us call it voting. The President gets elected and then he gets to choose some judges...that's how the system works. Let's not pretend that the People don't have a say in it...they do...they elect the President.
I'll agree with you that Congress should take a longer view of the legislation that they pass...heck, I'd like it if the members of Congress would READ the stuff the pass before they vote on them......
1/11 update--Mark Fires Back
Matt: If you read again, I said that voting was the most important voice, or at least that is what I intended. I think that you might be a bit on edge for some reason. I know the people elect the President, heck, I helped get him elected, we both did. The people are the most powerful by voting for their elected officicals, legislative AND executive. Now, are we clear?Matt Again...
Sure, we're clear...but DeWine isn't. My beef is that the senator doesn't seem to understand the concept known as seperation of powers. His insistance that the legislative branch is more important than the judiciary is plain wrong... I find no evidence for this line of thinking in the Constitution or legal precedent, do you?Mark Again
Well, and not to defend Mike DeWine (Matt, you of all people should know the distate and disgust I have for the man), there is an interpretation of the seperation of powers, that, when you think about, the legislative is more powerful because they make the laws that the executive enforces and the judicial interprets. Maybe that is his thinking...I don't agree with it, but that is the only thing I can think of, just to answer your question.