Saturday, January 07, 2006

DeWine Update

One of the things I keep hearing around the blogosphere is how much money Mike DeWine has in his war chest. It is one of the reasons that fence-sitters haven't come out and openly supported Bill Pierce for the primary. Yet, DeWine has Dick Cheney coming out this month to do a fundraiser for him. (National Ledger)
The White House is dispatching Vice President Dick Cheney to raise money for embattled Republican Sen. Mike DeWine of Ohio, who has voted against President Bush on key legislative issues.

Cheney will address a $1,000-a-ticket Capitol Hill Club reception on Jan. 26 that is intended to raise $100,000 for DeWine's campaign for a third term. DeWine most recently opposed Bush and Senate Republican leaders on the budget bill and on drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
I have also heard that President Bush will be coming to Ohio on behalf of DeWine in February.

Now, I realize that campaigns are having to raise cash for the general election much sooner than they used to, but isn't it assuming too much that DeWine is going to be the nominee? Doesn't he have to, like, win a primary first?

This is one ofthe things I really don't like about politics. The national party thinks they are more important than tthe wishes of the local constituency. For them, it's all about winning elections (and it should be) but the whole thing comes off as if there really shouldn't be an alternative.

Before folks think I am whining on behalf of Pierce (which I am not - these are my own thoughts, I haven't run them past anybody), let me put it this way: Shouldn't Republicans be supporting Republicans? Meaning: it seems to me that all this sort of thing does is tear apart the party rather than be an effective strategy for unity. Why not bring out the heavy hitters AFTER the primary has been settled when all Republicans can get behind a candidate?

Human Events Forgets Somebody

This is usually Mark's terriroty, but Human Events just released their top ten list of RINOs and guess who miraculously ISN'T on the list... Despite joining the Gang of 14, voting down ANWR, and the screwing us on the budget, Mike DeWine somehow escaped the ire of Human Events.

I am positive if the list were the top ten RINOs in the Senate, our man would be there...

DISCLOSURE: I am the blog administrator for Pierce for Senate.

Mark's Remarks

I was in shock as well that Human Events did not include Mike De"Whine" in its list of top ten RINOS. Also, where is John McCain? Between McCain, Spector, and DeWine, what Senators have done the most to derail the Bush agenda, at least on the Republican side? I don't include Chaffee or Snowe or Collins beause they are followers anyway.

I am sick and tired of the Republican Party more concerned with keeping seats than in having Candidates who actually support the agenda of the Republican party. When has Snowe, Chafee, DeWine, McCain, ever done consistently what is right with the Republican agenda? What has the supporting of Arlen Spector gotten the President? NADA. Yep, Blew Blewitt blew it again, still, as usual. It is time to take off the hack helmet and instead get back to the truth of the Reagan Revolution. We need to move away from just winning and instead working on getting through an agenda that will benefit Americans.

If Bush and Co. were serious, they would shut down support of morons like DeWine, Chaffee, Snowe, Collins, etc. No one is saying they should flat out reject them, but they should not campaign for them. AFter all, what did it get Bush? Mr. Hewitt, what has it gotten Bush to help Sepctor, o you who said it would be good to get Spector in his position? Let's see. Spector has delayed the Alito vote twice now, he tried to derail Roberts, and he also wants to investigate this wiretapping, playing right into the Dems impeachment plans. So, once again, why are we supporting these RINOS again, Mr. President, Mr. Vice-President? Why are we listening to Hugh Hewitt? Hmm?