Monday, February 13, 2006

Mary Mapes: Its You Bloggers Fault

Mary Mapes has blamed us bloggers for ending her career, namely you know, fact checking the "fake but accurate" documents she used to try and smear Bush. She told a Vermont radio station(WVMT) that it was all the fault of "vicious bloggers."

Check out these quotes, and tell me the woman is not delusional:
What happened to me, I think, and to all of us at CBS, was that the perception of truth became that these documents were not real; that there were flaws in the typeface and all kinds of sort of dry and extremely dull details about proportional spacing and superscript and all that

Those dull details are called verification, fact checking, authenticity indicators. But wait, she goes on:
I feel that if they had been forged there would have been a flaw. And I have not been able to find the flaw.

And, funny, let me see here, didn't you just talk about flaws and defects that us stupid bloggers found, hmm?????

The punchline: Mapes said she was a VICTIM of a new standard in journalism where "the truth doesn't matter" but instead it's "the perception of truth that matters."


Oh, wait...she's actually serious....