Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bubba Wrong Again!

It seems former President and habitual sexual harasser Bill Clinton made a speech in the UK where he said we envied the UK's economic system. Um...No, Bubba, no. As usual, you are wrong. We have better health care, better dental care, better employment, yet somehow, the UK is envied by US. Maybe by you libs, but not by us. These numbers would seem to show that you, as usual, are wrong.

You know, Monica Lewinsky saved your butt, Mr. President. Monicagate allowed you to get sympathy from people for being the victim of the VRWC. It turned attention from your failure to realize we had an enemy in 1993 who was declaring war on us by attempting to blow up the WTC. It turned attention away from your failure to get justice in Somalia, and in Rwanda, and in Haiti. It turned attention away from your failure to take seriously the threat from Islamofascism, and by your inaction to allow the Taliban to rise to power.

Also, I guess in some ways I should have wished for Al Gore to win in 2000. Then, the dotcom bubble bursting and the stock market tanking would have been blamed on who deserved it: Bill Clinton. If Al Gore had won, then 9/11 would be blamed on Bubba's inaction, not on a President who was in office for less than 8 months.

Bill Clinton should not be castigating George W. Bush. He should be thanking him at every step. By Bush winning, combined with Monicagate, no one has seriously analyzed this man's failure of a Presidency. North Korea accord? Failed. Mideast Peace accord? Failed. Iran accord? Failed. Preventing terror attacks? Failed. Economic policy? Failed.

However, Bubba continues the attack. Maybe someday someone will get the courage to look at those 8 years and name them for what they are: the era of Big Retreat, SmallBall Issues, and Liberal Censorship.