Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Katie Jumps on a Sinking Ship

Katie Couric, the liberal attack chihuahua, announced today that she is leaving the Today Show to anchor the cBS Evening News. She is leaving in May.

So, rather than actually correct the problem of rampant media bias, the geniuses at cBS go out and get the most virulent, snotty, self-important whelp they can--Katie Couric. Ms. Couric, 49, is leaving the top morning show so she can be the first stand alone female anchor of an evening news, and also to contribute to 60 Minutes.

cBS will get a short term bump from this, but people will quickly sour on Ms. Couric, who will now have two programs to preach liberal invective and hate from, rather than just the morning show. Also, look for her to begin wearing glasses to appear less the airhead. She thinks glasses add IQ points. If they do, hers will rise to single digits. Ms. Couric is a caricature of feminist liberals gone mad--she wants to be taken seriously but consistently looks like the airhead party girl. She wants to be a serious journalist but investigating issues is beyond her.

She did pick the right network to land at. At cBS, they don't fact check very much. So, she can spout whatever she wants. After all, it worked o so well for Mary Mapes and Dan Blather. Congrats, Ms. Couric, here's to your impending doom as an anchor and hopefully the final nail in the coffin of your sorry hate filled career. Mrs. Annoying Know it All moves to Prime Time! Yay!

In related news, annoying uberlib Merideth Viera is rumored to replace Couric. Ms. Viera is currently the co-host of the View, with Bawbra WahWah. In recent months, there has been a growing rift among the View gals, as Star Jones grows closer to getting fired, and Ms. Viera is talking about leaving. Hmmm...guess Bawbra just ain't so easy to work with....

But, you notice--no new blood. All we are doing is reshuffling the deck. And the MSM wonders why newscast ratings are down, circulation is down. It is time for some equal time. it is time for some new blood. However, keep it up, only makes our numbers look better!