Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tammy Bruce: McCain is a Pig.....

And I am compelled to agree with Ms. Bruce on this:
Let me be blunt. McCain is a self-serving, opportunistic pig. He, like other open-borders, Americans-Are-Lazy politicians, is a man who has grown soft and fat and elitist in Washington, DC, and has developed an obvious contempt for the average working American. Not only does he not deserve to even think about being president, he should not be in the U.S. senate. He is an example of the opportunistic narcissists in Washington whose only concern is their own career as they do whatever they think it'll take to advance themselves.

John McCain at one time was a solid conservative. However, years in Washington, falling in love with positive media coverage, all of these things have made him what he supposedly abhors: a hack. He is nothing more than an opportunist. He is so arrogant he sought to influence Kerry to the presidency in March of 04 with the Unity Ticket idea, then he realized Kerry was a joke and belatedly supported President Bush. McCain served in Vietnam and I honor him for that service. However, I find his service in the US Senate to be long on flash, short on substance and short on anything other than an agenda of shameless self-importance and self-promotion.