I know President Votruba personally. I was on the committee that selected him to be president of the university. I fear that he thinks that all he has to do is ride out the controversy and that will be that.
That isn't what this situation requires...
Locally, the Northerner Online (which has had outstanding coverage), Bizzy Blog, and fellow NKU alum, Mark from WMD have all covered this debacle.
Life News has picked it up...
Michelle Malkin is a terrier on stories like this one...
Tony Snow (audio) devoted a few minutes of precious air time on this story...
A little slap on the wrist isn't going to do anything but enrage the people who have been covering this story. If Votruba doesn't take appropriate action, and quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, there needs to be a backlash.
It is one thing to claim to support freedom of speech and it is another to actually do so. So far, it appears that the university, and Votruba, are paying lip service to the Constitution and the right to free speech.
Jacobsen should be relieved of her duties immediately. The evidence against her is overwhelming. Feel free to let the president know how you feel... (Email Votruba - be respectful but firm!)