The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., would enable businesses to join across state lines to buy health insurance. The pooling would give them enough clout to negotiate better rates, Enzi said.
"This is something that the small businesses have been asking for for almost 15 years," said Enzi, R-Wyo.
Why are Dems blocking it, do they have a better idea? Nope...begin the lobbying:
Democrats said the resulting plans would not meet people's needs when they get sick because the legislation would pre-empt state requirements for certain coverage, such as mammograms or diabetes supplies. However, Enzi's aides said he would support some mandated coverage if a majority of the states require it. For instance, 49 states require the coverage of mammograms, so they would be allowed to continue that coverage.
Enzi is making the concession in an effort to generate enough support to overcome a filibuster. He needs at least a handful of Democrats to support a motion that would allow for a vote on the bill.
Wow, a concession. However, is that enough to stop the Dems from stalling an important measure to help small business? Nope. As usual, the Dems use nongermaine issues to hold up legislation, as a political tactic. Who cares about serving the people, Harry Reid has some gamesmanship he wants to play:
Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Democrats also want to vote on amendments to expand stem cell research and extend the May 15 Medicare drug benefit enrollment deadline. If they don't get to vote on such amendments, a filibuster is likely.
"If we're not given the opportunity to offer amendments, I don't see how in good faith we could go forward with the legislation," Reid said.
So, in other words, unless we get to butcher the bill and add earmarks to it, we are taking the ball and going home, screw small business...
Where is the Dem solutions? They have none. The only thing they have is the word no. Do you want such negativity in control of our government? I think not.