Russ Feingold, a potential anti-war candidate in the 2008 presidential field, urged fellow Democrats on Monday to show more backbone in challenging President Bush on Iraq. 'We must get out of our political foxholes and be willing to clearly and specifically point out what a strategic error the Iraq invasion has been.
Geez, did Mamoud Ahmadinejad write this for Russ? Or is it the other way around? Sounds the same to me....
The greatest passion is for us to stand up on the critical post-9/11 issues, from Iraq, to the USA Patriot Act, to the president violating the law by authorizing illegal domestic wiretapping. The president likes to say, in response to this sort of concern, that some of us have a pre-9/11 perspective. Many Democrats and others around this country want us to point out that the White House actually has a pre-1776 perspective and that we ought to have the guts to point that out. (Applause.)
Hmmm...wanting to give ownership over the Social Security money, protecting our rights to live, making sure we can exercise those rights. And just wondering, if we are talking about the Constitutional/Revolutionary era, where in the Constitution is the right to abortion? Where is the right to take away property for private purposes? Just asking, Russ, since you want to talk about it so much....
You already hear people saying that this Michael Hayden nomination will be a great opportunity for the White House to show the Democrats are soft on terrorism. You bet the pundits in this town will somehow suggest that, this too, just like my censure resolution, will cause the president's numbers to shoot up. You remember that happening, right? It didn't happen at all. But that's what they're going to say. It's not right.
Russ, you are exactly right. The President's numbers did not go up. However, your numbers went down. You looked like an idiot and a coward. Remember what happened, Russ? Let me remind you what happened. Nobody joined your stupid censure resolution, and you left the floor, you skedaddled, you got out of there rather than debate it with Republicans. No one joined your stupid resolution. Pathetic.
take a different view with one qualification. My view is that we should appeal to basic American values in the post-9/11 world.
And those "basic American values" are: white guilt, it is always America's fault, taking opportunity away by taxing businesses, taking more of your money away by raising taxes, and making our military a mockery. Oh yeah, and along with John McCain, silencing free speech.
By saying that we will stand up to this administration's mistakes in strategy in the fight against terrorism, and that we will stand up to this administration's unnecessary assault on the rule of law in the guise of the fight against terrorism.
And Mr. Feingold, Mr. Bush isn't spying on you or your kook base. You are too predictable and boring. You are a joke. He has more important things to do, like fight your speechwriters, the Islamofascists, or maybe you write their talking points, whatever.
I say all of this in the belief that somehow we all have to be talking about not this country or that, but how we can best protect American lives at home and abroad.
Uh-huh. That is why you and your colleagues malign our troops. That is why you joined the Koran Toilet Bowl chorus and got more of our men and women killed, to protect American lives? Riight...And by the way, Russ, what about your hero FDR opening people's mail, etc? Shouldn't he be censured, shouldn't he be villifed? Oh wait, we can't be consistent, we have political games to play...my bad. Please continue your joke of a speech...
Democrats should be especially clear that we understand the post-9/11 world.
HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAH...STOP IT RUSS.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH....You're killing me....You Dems have the understanding? You whose standardbearer voted for the troops before he voted against them? Called them terrorists, and oh yeah, who wanted to fight a more senstive war. If the dems understood, there wouldn't have been a 9/11 because Bubba would have done more than get BJs on Easter.
I think we should show we mean it. We should show that it's just as important and personal for us as it is for those who sometimes try to use this issue to intimidate us.
The first and foremost thing is the safety and national security of the American people. The number one responsibility is to protect Americans. Now, the question of how you do that is what I discussed in my speech. It's being smart.--understanding this connection between a violation of human rights and a countries -- the people of a country feeling that the somehow the United States helped repress them. All I have to do is mention the Shah of Iran and the whirlwind that we reaped because of our inappropriate support for the Shah. So I think that is the foundation.
So Russ, how you gonna do it? You have Dem ex presidents going to the MidEast and ripping our country...Maybe go see United 93....Nope, don't do that. It's too soon. and God knows we don't want to remind the American people that it wasn't our fault, that WE were attacked. And toward the end, a rehash of Kerry's answer to how would you fight the war: smarter and better. Could we get some specifics? What is YOUR exit strategy? What are your ideas? Smarter and better is not an adequate answer.
And check this out from the Q and A:
"Could you outline the principles on which foreign policy and national security should be based? FEINGOLD: it's understanding this connection between the violation of human rights and a countries, the people of the country feeling that somehow the US helped repress them.
There you have it. It is all us. Yep, we are the ones deciding that women should be subject to rape whenver a man wants it. We are the ones who are keeping food from reaching the poor given by the UN. It is us who are cutting off hands. It is us who are imprisoning people based on different faiths. Uh...NO!!!! Feingold and Co. are suffering from White Guilt, the topic of a new book by Shelby Steele. It's our fault we're too powerful, we're too big, we had slavery, we violate people's human rights. It's understandable that there would be terrorists, and we need to incorporate this into our foreign policy so that the next time we get attacked by a terrorist group, we must understand why and perhaps even acknowledge that we deserve this. According to the Dems, we still have slavery, sexism, etc. They believe we are punished when we are attacked, and they believe, we deserve it. Their religion is blame America first. Some might think White Guilt is a good thing, but Shelby Steele has it right:
It sounds like it would be a good thing, but it's not. It's the reverse of that. It's not a guilt of conscience where people struggle with a moral dilemma. It's simply running from the stigmatization as racists. Whites after the sixties, after the -- as I talk about in the book -- the collapsing of white supremacy, became stigmatized as racists and had to then begin dissociate from that and most of our racial policy in America has been more about helping whites sort of fight that stigma than doing anything to help achieve equality.
What Steele, a black man, is saying is that the libs just do window dressing for their own psyches. They don't address the issues. They need victims. Hence the failed war on poverty and the desire of Democrats to split the races when we need unity.
The biggest sufferer of White Guilt is Bubba Clinton, however. Proclaiming yourself the first black president and apologizing all over the world for what we have supposedly done to people all over the world. He is the epitome of what Shelby Steele is talking about, and Russ is his stepchild.
To the libs suffering from White Guilt: GET OVER IT!