I voted for:
Governor: Ken Blackwell, I am sick of the Taft cronies!
SoS: Greg Hartman
State Treasurer: Sandra O'Brien, enough with the Taft cronies, already!
State AG: Grendell--Yep, still sick of the Taftian establishmentarians!
Auditor: Mary Taylor
US Senator: William G. Pierce--NO RINOS WANTED
Justice, Ohio Supreme Court: Terrence O'Donnell and Robert Cupp
US Representative, 2nd Dist.: Jean Schmidt--yeah, lesser of two evils, and at least she lives here!
State Central CommitteeMan: John Becker, the guys works his arse off, and the other guy is just the spouse of the Clermont County auditor, more politics as usual.
State Central Woman: Connie Bare, of Clermont County, who has some good ideas.
State Rep, 88th State District: Paul Hall--Paul has some great ideas, and I did not appreciate the "slick" campaigning by Col. Bubp, his mailing was classless.
JUDGE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS (12th District)- Stephen W Powell
County Auditor--I left it blank because I did not support the single person running in my party, who is assured of reelection.
Precinct 290 County Central Committee--I voted for Myself, of course!!! :) It is so neat to see one's name on a ballot!