Sunday, August 06, 2006

WMD Program - Show Notes

The WMD Program is on the air today, live and direct, on Wide Awakes Radio from 7 until 9 PM (Eastern).

Block A (:12) - "Generals warn of civil war" by Drew Brown for the Kasas City Star:
“I believe that the sectarian violence is probably as bad as I’ve seen it, in Baghdad in particular, and that if not stopped, it is possible that Iraq could move towards civil war,” said Gen. John Abizaid, chief of U.S. Central Command.
Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, agreed with the assessment.

“I believe that we do have the possibility of that devolving to a civil war, but that does not have to be a fact,” Pace said.

"Data Contradicts Notion of Widespread Iraqi Civil War" by Nathan Burchfiel for CyberCast News Service

Block B (:27) - "We're Losing World War IV" by Barbara Lerner for National Review Online:
Our U.N. representative, John Bolton, is an admirable man and an outstanding spokesman for America, but his masters in the Oval Office and the State department have saddled him with an impossible job. Diplomacy before a war can sometimes provide an honorable alternative. “Diplomacy” in the midst of a war we are losing by failing to confront our main enemy is a euphemism for appeasement — a dead end road. The more eager our president is to rely on “the international community,” the U.N., and our EU “partners,” and to avoid, at all costs, any military confrontation with Iran, the more confident of ultimate victory the mullahs become. To them, and to hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world, watching Al Jazeera or its like on their TV screens, it looks like Iran is winning one glorious Islamist victory after another, striking blow after paralyzing blow at the once-mighty giant of the Christian West, while we cower in fear, afraid to strike back. We look like losers, while Iran looks invincible, and that image of invincibility is the most effective weapon Iran has in its hugely successful battle for the allegiance of the Muslim masses everywhere. Most Americans are still unaware of Iran’s promise to light up the skies with a great surprise on August 22, but Muslims everywhere are keenly aware of it; most await the day with growing excitement.
She, and apparently General McInerney, advocate attacking Iran from the air as a way of getting WWIV back on track.

Block C (:42) - "Hezbollah's Psych-Ops" by Clifford May for National Review Online:
Hezbollah and its foreign sponsors deserve credit: They understand the perverse psychology of the Middle East. They knew they could launch a war against Israel and then have Israel get the blame for the devastation that inevitably would follow.
Our enemy has initiated an brilliant strategery and the media is falling for usual.

"Hezbollah on the Ropes" by Steve Schippert of for
Israel is providing a lesson on fighting the war on terror. The mighty Hizballah, rightfully feared as the most lethally armed terrorist organization on the planet, is now on the ropes. Only their lifeline from Syria sustains them in the midst of devastating strikes from the Israeli Air Force. From the hundreds of rocket launchers in southern Lebanon to weapons depots and infrastructure all the way up the Bekaa Valley in Baalbek, Hizballah’s operational headquarters city, the IAF has exacted a heavy toll from Hizballah since the attack in Israel in which Hizballah terrorists killed eight IDF soldiers and abducted the two surviving.


Block D (:57) - Dr. Carter, OBGYN of Terror, Strikes AGain!

Carter's Troubled Background, a race bigot?

Carter a Traitor?

More Carter Traitorisms

Block E (:12) - "Global Warming"

"A Bit of History for Global Warmers: Look at 1930" by Randy Hall for Cybercast News Service

"Now That's Hot" Fact-O-Rama by Cybercast News Service

Block F (:27) - "Democrats Scrambling To Organize Voter Turnout" by Jim VandeHei of the Washington Post - Rangel will quit if Dems lose. Vote GOP!

Block G (:42) - "Odds and Ends" - Stories that caught our interest but aren't hefty enough to warrant a whole segment of their own.

BBC's Terrorism Awards Show

"Beach for Muslim Women Planned in Italy" by Ariel David for the Associated Press (Breitbart)

"Gitmo Guards Often Attacked by Detainees" by John Soloman for the Associated Press (Richmond Times-Dispatch)

TODAY IN HISTORY - 1945 - Hiroshima - The History Channel

Block H (:57) - "Rapid Fire" - Doug the Producer asks Matt and Mark a series of questions which they have not been prepared for. There is a time limit of 2 minutes (one minute apiece) for a response to each question.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Matt and Mark will be sitting in for Justin of Right on the Right for the Friday August 11 episode of The Real War Room from 7 until 9 PM Eastern. Joining us in studio on the 11th will be Tom Blumer of BizzyBlog. We will also be doing our regularly scheduled Sunday show on the 13th as well.