Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dems and Stem Cells: Never Let Real Facts Get in the Way of Killing More Babies!

My colleague Matt posted the release from Congressman Boehner about the amazing findings of actual results for research involving non-embryonic stem cells, that is, stem cells gained without killing babies. Here is another story on it, and let me give you the grand Dumocrap response from some airhead from Colorado.
From the Washington Times:
Scientists reported yesterday that they had found a plentiful source of stem cells in the fluid that cushions babies in the womb and produced a variety of tissue types from these cells, sidestepping the public fight over destroying embryos for research.
Researchers at Wake Forest University and Harvard University reported that the stem cells they drew from amniotic fluid donated by pregnant women hold much the same promise as embryonic stem cells.
They reported that they were able to extract the stem cells without harm to mother or unborn baby and turn their discovery into several tissue cell types, including brain, liver and bone.
"Our hope is that these cells will provide a valuable resource for tissue repair and for engineered organs as well," said Dr. Anthony Atala, head of Wake Forest's regenerative medicine institute and senior researcher on the project.
It took Dr. Atala's team about seven years of research to determine the cells they found were truly stem cells that "can be used to produce a broad range of cells that may be valuable for therapy."
The scientists noted that they still don't know exactly how many cell types can be made from the stem cells found in amniotic fluid and that preliminary tests in patients are years away.
Still, Dr. Atala said, the research reported in the scientific journal Nature Biotechnology expands far beyond similar work discussed at a heart research conference in November. There, Dr. Simon Hoerstrup said he managed to turn amniotic fluid stem cells into heart cells that could be grown into replacement valves. But the Swiss researcher has yet to publish his work in a scientific journal.
Dr. Atala said the new research has found even more promising stem cells with the potential to turn into many more medically useful replacement parts.
"We have other cell lines cooking," Dr. Atala said.
In April, he and his colleagues rebuilt bladders for seven young patients using live tissue grown in the lab.
In the latest work, Dr. Atala's team extracted a small number of stem cells swimming among the many other cell types in the amniotic fluid. One of the more promising aspects of the research is that some of the DNA of the amnio stem cells contained Y chromosomes, meaning the cells came from the babies rather than the pregnant mothers.
Dr. George Daley, a Harvard University stem-cell researcher, said that finding raises the prospect that someday expectant parents can freeze amnio stem cells for future tissue replacement in a sick child without fear of immune rejection.

So, we can get stem cells which are more proven effective than those harvested by killing babies. This is a cause for celebration, right? Wrong! At least if you are a democrat. Here is what Congresswoman Diana DeGette from Colorado had to say:
DEGETTE: I do think that the study is fantastic news and the welcome it, but it's not a substitute for embryonic stem cell research. This research is going on around the world, and has been for seven or eight years.

In other words, yeah, so what? We want cells that kill babies enforce a woman's right to choose.
However, there is NO EVIDENCE that embryonic stem cells are effective. In fact, in many cases treatments using embryonic stem cells have had drastic and bad side effects. For further reference on what non-embryonic stem cells can do, check out this list and its links.

Bottom line: Democrats are the party of death. They hold up killing babies as some type of sacrament or sacred rite. Anything that reinforces that need to kill babies is good, while anything that can save babies from being harvested for research is bad. And some of you out there gave these people the majority of bot Houses! Congrats! Let the slaught of the innocents grow and continue! Its all in the name of research that is unsubstantiated and has shown no real promise! But hey, its all about the right to choose, right?
Related Links for More Info: