Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New York Times: Cut and Run...But Defend Iraq?

Yes, folks, the idiots at the editorial board and the opinion writers at the Old Washed Up Gray Lady are wanting it both ways. In an editorial yesterday which was a call out, a shout out to ramp up opposing Bush's new Iraq strategy, some hack over there at the NY Times comes up with a bipolar, schizophrenic editorial in which they want to have it both ways. The title of it is "Past Time to Get Real on Iraq." It is full of the usual liberal crying and moaning and advocacy of betraying our troops and cutting and running. But then, toward the end, there is this statement:
"Nor can America simply turn its back on whatever happens to Iraq after it leaves. With or without American troops, a nightmare future for Iraq is a nightmare future for the United States, too, whether it consists of an expanding civil war that turns into a regional war, or millions of Iraq's people and its oil fields falling under the tightening grip of a more powerful Iran.

Wha-huh? You just spent hundreds of words telling us how we suck and how we should get out of Iraq, but then you say, but wait, we need to do this.... The person who wrote this unsigned (coward!) editorial is either drunk, stupid, retarded, a liberal, or most likely, all of the above. Ok, here is our great plan--cut and run, get out, run away...but after we are out, we have to make sure nothing bad happens in Iraq! How do you win a battle after you have already surrendered and gotten out?