Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Drunken Murderer Senator Wants to DeFund the Troops

Yep, Teddy Boy is at it again....He has even come up with a slogan called Stop the Surge (of course, maybe he is talking about his incontinence problem, or his problem of pooping his diaper). Yesterday, Slurrer Kennedy of Taxachusetts gave a speech where he stated he is introducing a bill to defund our troops. Maybe he could use the money to finance swimming lessons for his leviathan sized self? Or maybe his liquor cabinet (which I hear encompasses 50 acres) is empty and he needs to refill it on the government dole? Or wait, I know, we will defund the troops and instead give the money to sponsoring midnight basketball leagues in Iraq between Shia and Sunni teams. That has worked so damn well here in America to stop violence, NOT! The continued idiocy of people in Taxachusetts to send a drunken, lecherous, retarded, murderer back to Capitol Hill says a whole lot about the collective intelligence of that state!

Instead of being a cheerleader for al Queda, Senator, how about rooting for the good guys, just once?