Friday, February 02, 2007

Kevin DeWine is IN

Fellow SOB Alliance member RightAngleBlog has the letter from DeWine to state central committee members and county chairs.

Matt Dole and I talked about this possibility on the radio show on Wednesday and found it a little crazy that DeWine would give up a potential statewide run for party leadership; but we're just bloggers, so what do we know!

The question that I ask these guys is this: What sort of relationship do you intend to foster with the center-right blogoshpere/alternative media in Ohio? DeWine talks quite a bit about reaching out to grassroots organizations and activists, so this is encouraging.

He also points out that the Ohio GOP needs to get btter at communicating their message with regular everyday voters on a daily basis, not just at election time... I couldn't agree more and have said so on many an occassion.

This race is just getting started...