Thursday, April 19, 2007

Boehner Rejects Sen. Reid’s Surrender Statement; House GOP to Force Vote Tonight on Democrats’ Surrender Date

Via email:
Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) today called on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to retract reckless comments that could damage troop morale in the Global War on Terror, and vowed House Republicans tonight will force an up-or-down vote in the House on the Democrats’ plan to establish a surrender date for the mission in Iraq . Earlier today, Reid told reporters, “I believe ... that this war is lost.” Boehner issued the following statement:
“When a top Democrat tells reporters he believes the war is lost, he is not simply talking to the media – he is telling American troops they have failed. And he is telling our enemies they have won. While Mr. Reid may be willing to throw in the towel and declare this a lost cause, I am certain that American troops are not; they are committed to achieving victory in the War on Terror. Mr. Reid’s comments are demoralizing to our troops, and just plain wrong.

“The top Democrats in both houses of Congress, including Senator Reid, earlier this year refused to attend a bipartisan briefing offered by General Petraeus. And this week there have again been reports about senior congressional Democrats resisting opportunities to learn the latest facts from General Petraeus about the status of the mission in Iraq . Is Senator Reid more qualified than General Petraeus, the man overwhelmingly approved by the Senate to lead our troops in Iraq , to evaluate the progress being made in the war?

“Tonight House Republicans will give Democrats a chance to do the right thing by forcing an up-or-down vote on the question of whether the military spending bill should give al-Qaeda a date certain for American surrender in Iraq. Any such timetable would be a disaster for our troops in harm’s way, and I believe a majority of the American people agree.

“The American people want our troops to succeed in Iraq and return home safely, and they recognize telegraphing a timeline for surrender to al Qaeda will do nothing to help accomplish this goal. Our troops need resources to succeed, not reckless proclamations that they have failed in their mission.”
4/20/07 UPDATE - What exactly did Harry Reid say? Well, see for yourself...

Harry Reid: We surrender!