Thursday, April 19, 2007

Boehner Statement on President Bush’s Visit to Tipp City

Via email:
Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) released the following statement today regarding President Bush’s visit today to Tipp City where he spoke of the need for a clean war spending bill that does not handcuff the troops and does not contain billions of dollars in pork-barrel spending:
“I agree with the Commander-in-Chief that military decisions should be made by the generals on the ground, and not by politicians in Washington , and I believe the people of Ohio agree with him as well.

“When we return to the Capitol later today, House Republicans will force an up-or-down vote on the question of whether the military spending bill should give al-Qaeda a date certain for American surrender in Iraq. Any such timetable would be a disaster for our troops in harm’s way, and I believe a majority of the American people agree. I also believe most Americans are outraged that Congress has insulted our troops by attaching billions of dollars in pork-barrel spending to legislation that is meant to fund and protect our soldiers.

“The American people want our troops to succeed in Iraq and return home safely, and they recognize surrender dates and pork-barrel spending will do nothing to help accomplish this goal.

“We’re proud and deeply honored that the Commander-in-Chief chose to visit Miami County today to discuss these vitally important issues for our nation.”