Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fun & Games: Democrats Delay Troop Funding and Joke About It

Via email:
Democrats Aren't Serious About Doing the Right Thing

Despite the hazards of delaying troop funding, House Democrats don't seem to be in that big of a hurry to provide the resources our troops need to wage the Global War on Terror. Could it be because providing our troops the funding they need isn't really a priority for the Democrats? In today's Congress Daily AM, one top Democrat jokes about abandoning our military and leaving them without the resources they need:
"A member of the 'Out of Iraq' Caucus, [Democratic Rep. Jim] Moran half-jokingly suggested a desirable outcome might be to let the military funding run dry, forcing Bush to pull out of combat zones. 'We might have to withdraw our troops,' Moran said. 'Holy smokes, that would be a disaster, wouldn't it?'"
An article in this morning's Roll Call quotes other top Democrats admitting they are less concerned with providing our troops the resources they need and more concerned with "putting pressure" on the President and Republicans:
"'I can vote for anything that continues to put pressure on Bush,' said House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.). 'I have always said it isn't the language that matters - we aren't writing the Declaration of Independence. It's whether we're putting pressure on Bush.'"
Roll Call also quotes Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), one of the original co-authors of the Democrats' slow-bleed strategy, saying the specifics of the current emergency supplemental "aren't particularly important":
"'He's going to veto whatever we pass so it doesn't make much difference to me,' he said."
The Democrats' pork & retreat bill faces a certain Presidential veto because it ties troop funding to a surrender date and pork-barrel spending. House Republicans have confirmed they will sustain the veto. So when will Democrats to do the right thing and bring up a clean troop funding bill - without the strings and without the pork?
Note to the American people: Democrats lied to you when they said that the support the troops. They don't and their behavior on this bill proves it. Will you remember??? I know I will...

One political party is serious about national security and it isn't the clowns currently running our United States Congress.