Friday, April 13, 2007

Iran Open to Talks with Pelosi

Check this out from Breitbart and the AFP:
A top MP said on Friday the Tehran parliament would favour talks with US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after her controversial visit to Iran's ally Syria, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.
"We are ready for talks with US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi," said Mohammad Nabi Rudaki, deputy head of the influential national security commission in Iran's conservative-dominated parliament.

"Parliamentary talks can discuss bilateral problems and bring US, European and Iranian nations closer. They could also consider Iran's peaceful nuclear issues," he said.

But Rudaki added that "this willingness does not mean a resumption of political ties with the occupying and bullying US government."
Emphasis added to that last bit just to drive the point home... Iran is our enemy.

The next few paragraphs outline that Speaker of State Nancy Pelosi has decided that she isn't interested in speaking with our enemy just yet and that Tom Lantos was just kidding...or something.

And let's not forget when and why this country broke off diplomatic relations with this ISlamofascist scum:
Tehran and Washington have had no diplomatic ties since Islamist revolutionaries raided the US embassy in Iran in 1979 and held staff hostage for 444 days.
Carter wanted to talk too...