Friday, April 13, 2007

More First 100 Days of Democrat Rule

Via email:
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “In the first 10 bills we will introduce this afternoon, and in our ongoing oversight of the war in Iraq, we intend to address these priorities, basically three of them: one, providing real security; two, restoring transparency, accountability, and responsibility in the United States Government; and three, helping working Americans get ahead by boosting wages and cutting costs in health care, education, and energy.” (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.9, 01/04/07)'d Dingy Harry do?
During the first 100 days of the democrat majority, the President has signed 17 bills into law.

· 10 involve naming a post office, courthouse or nature reserve

· 3 involve making technical corrections to old legislation

· 1 provides for construction of a connector road near St. Louis

· 1 revises the composition of the House Page Board

· 1 endorses an expansion of NATO member countries

· 1 provides for continuing appropriations for 2007, passing last year’s budget - This is the only bill receiving a roll call vote in the Senate that was then signed by the President.
Here they are:
1. S.159

Title: A bill to redesignate the White Rocks National Recreation Area in the State of Vermont as the "Robert T. Stafford White Rocks National Recreation Area".
Sponsor: Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] (introduced 1/4/2007)

2. H.R.475

Title: House Page Board Revision Act of 2007
Sponsor: Rep Kildee, Dale E. [D-MI-5] (introduced 1/16/2007)

3. H.R.188

Title: To provide a new effective date for the applicability of certain provisions of law to Public Law 105-331.
Sponsor: Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] (introduced 1/4/2007)

4. H.R.434

Title: An act to provide for an additional temporary extension of programs under the Small Business Act and the Small business Investment Act of 1958 through July 31, 2007, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1] (introduced 1/12/2007)

5. H.J.RES.20

Title: Revised Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2007
Sponsor: Rep Obey, David R. [D-WI-7] (introduced 1/29/2007)

6. H.R.742

Title: Antitrust Modernization Commission Extension Act of 2007
Sponsor: Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] (introduced 1/31/2007)

7. H.R.49

Title: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1300 North Frontage Road West in Vail, Colorado , as the "Gerald R. Ford, Jr. Post Office Building".
Sponsor: Rep Udall, Mark [D-CO-2] (introduced 1/4/2007)

8. H.R.335

Title: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 152 North 5th Street in Laramie , Wyoming , as the "Gale W. McGee Post Office".
Sponsor: Rep Cubin, Barbara [R-WY] (introduced 1/9/2007)

9. H.R.433

Title: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1700 Main Street in Little Rock , Arkansas , as the "Scipio A. Jones Post Office Building".
Sponsor: Rep Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] (introduced 1/12/2007)

10. H.R.514

Title: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 16150 Aviation Loop Drive in Brooksville , Florida , as the "Sergeant Lea Robert Mills Brooksville Aviation Branch Post Office".
Sponsor: Rep Brown-Waite, Ginny [R-FL-5] (introduced 1/17/2007)

11. H.R.577

Title: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 3903 South Congress Avenue in Austin , Texas , as the "Sergeant Henry Ybarra III Post Office Building".
Sponsor: Rep Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-25] (introduced 1/19/2007)

12. H.R.521

Title: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2633 11th Street in Rock Island , Illinois , as the "Lane Evans Post Office Building".
Sponsor: Rep Hare, Phil [D-IL-17] (introduced 1/17/2007)

13. H.R.342

Title: To designate the United States courthouse located at 555 Independence Street in Cape Girardeau , Missouri , as the "Rush Hudson Limbaugh, Sr. United States Courthouse".
Sponsor: Rep Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO-8] (introduced 1/9/2007)

14. H.R.544

Title: To designate the United States courthouse at South Federal Place in Santa Fe , New Mexico , as the "Santiago E. Campos United States Courthouse".
Sponsor: Rep Udall, Tom [D-NM-3] (introduced 1/17/2007)

15. H.R.584

Title: To designate the Federal building located at 400 Maryland Avenue Southwest in the District of Columbia as the 'Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building'.
Sponsor: Rep Green, Gene [D-TX-29] (introduced 1/19/2007)

16. H.R.1129

Title: To provide for the construction, operation, and maintenance of an arterial road in St. Louis County , Missouri .
Sponsor: Rep Carnahan, Russ [D-MO-3] (introduced 2/16/2007)

17. [110th] S.494

Title: NATO Freedom Consolidation Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] (introduced 2/6/2007)
Not much of real substance going on in Congress the last 100 days...