FICTION: “Despite Republicans’ claims, no rule change to end this political gamesmanship has been formally proposed,” Hoyer countered in a statement late Wednesday.So much for the most open, honest and ethical Congress in history... Madame Speaker, the Children (tm) weep for you...
FACT: And while few Democratic lawmakers said they had any knowledge of a plan to change the rules, it is clear that senior Democratic staff was aware of the plan and actively discussing the rules change — and the GOP reaction — on Wednesday.
“Also, putting House Rules changes in the budget conference report Rules is a major thing — the R’s will certainly go nuclear tomorrow — but we will just have to suffer through that,” wrote Rob Cogorno, a senior Hoyer aide, in an e-mail obtained by Roll Call that was sent to senior aides to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Slaughter and Spratt, among others.
“I totally concur that this is a BIG deal,” wrote Jerry Hartz, a senior aide to Pelosi, calling for a leadership meeting to discuss the move, “and the Leadership has to thoroughly understand what they are taking on before going forward. No question about it.”
Read the whole story at Roll Call.