Imagine my surprise...Gov. Strickland seems determined to stretch this bad news cycle out as long as possible.
WHIO-TV 7 Dayton
WSAZ NewsChannel 3 West Virginia
The Cincinnati Enquirer
Port Clinton News Herald
If he had just been upfront about the whole thing the first few times he had the opportunity to tell us about all of this...
Ohio Republican Party Deputy Chairman Kevin DeWine issued the following statement regarding the latest report of stolen records which contain personal data of Ohio citizens:"Anyone who praised the Strickland administration for their swift action on this issue should be eating those words right now. The fact that it’s been more than a month since this data was stolen and Ohioans are still finding out who is affected is an outrage.
Gov. Strickland should be embarrassed at how badly this breach has been mismanaged, and yet all we get is another empty assurance that there’s nothing to worry about. That would be easier to believe if every week didn’t bring a new surprise that puts another half-million Ohioans at risk.”