Kasich turned to Henican to ask why Congress won't wait until September to give Petraeus and the "surge" a chance to succeed? They've lost credibilty, said Henican. Turning to Saunders, Kasich cited Ronald Reagan's withdrawal of American troops from Lebanon and asked why, if St. Ronnie could cut losses then, why can't we cut our losses now? We shouldn't be on the streets, fighting civil wars. Saunders still beleives there's a chance we'll stabilize Iraq and have a "victory."There is video at the link for context...
Kasich claimed he's been pretty clear about this, we shouldn't be involved in a civil war, but if we leave and there's a "bloodletting," what responsibility do we have? Henican acknowledged that it's going to be ugly, no matter when we leave, so let's do it now and "let Allah sort it out."
Kasich wrapped it up, saying we [clearly] need reassessment.
Exit question: Would Ohio GOPers support a White Flag Republican for governor of this great state? If this turns out to be an accurate representation of Kasich's views, Rob Portman's stock will have just gone up a few points.