Meanwhile, a new "Gang" has been formed in the Senate...this one is set to cut and run from Iraq as soon as possible in a bi-partisan fashion. I didn't see RINOvich's name in the piece, but some reporter is going to have to ask him if he's a member... I would ask him, but he never answers his emails and his phones intimidate him...
UPDATE: Matt Naugle asks, "Does Voinovich Think He's Commander-in-Chief?" My answer: Yes, he does. Just like DeWine and McCain thought they got to pick the judges, Voinovich thinks he also wields presidential power when he feels up to it.
Nasty Brutish and Short says, "George Voinovich, still classy after all these years." And you can't miss this bit:
He's warning the White House that conservative support is eroding? What the heck does Senator Voinovich know about "conservative support?"Preach on, NBS...