Wednesday, July 25, 2007

LA Times Lies in usual....

Here's the headline from the LA Times--Bush ties Al Qaeda in Iraq to Sept. 11

That is not what the President said. What he said was that basically AQ in Iraq is the same as AQ, that what the captured terrorist leader said was that AQ in Iraq was just a front, that it was always AQ. Bush did not tie Sept. 11 to Iraq, except that both calamities are caused by al queda, from UBL, not some separate organization. The Times is trying to perpetuate the myth that somehow Bush and Cheney claimed Iraq was partially responsible for 9/11, which neither said in reality. What the Drive-bys want you to think is Bush is making wild accusations not founded in fact. And if you actually read the story and the quotes, the headline makes no sense. Libs think you are too stupid to read. The surge is working. That is why they are so adamant about misrepresenting the facts.