Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ohio Dems Throw Party While Senate Debates Serious Issue

I don't know about anybody else, but I find it more than a bit disturbing that Ohio Democrats were throwing a party last night (with music, door prizes and clowns!) while their friends in the United States Senate were screaming for surrender in the central front in the War on Terror.

By the way, we're winning the war in Iraq. (Latest sign of this was covered here.) That might come as a surprise to our friends across the aisle because their accomplices in the 527 Media are doing their hardest to report failure and not bothering to report with the same fanfare the successes happening in Iraq. Good news doesn't fit the template that liberals have for this war, so it doesn't get reported. And shall we examine a concept known as "context" you would discover just how much of a success our military is achieving in the War on Terror in Iraq.

UPDATE: Even Clueless George, the Crying Man, our Senator RINOvich gets this:
"You wonder if they are more interested in politics than dealing with the substance of this," said Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio.
UPDATE 2 - AP News Alert:
WASHINGTON (AP) Senate Republicans have mustered enough votes to scuttle a proposed troop withdrawal from Iraq. A roll call is continuing and the vote is not final.
Surrender is NOT an option.