Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Simple Senate Saunters Stupidly....

And now, from the people who brought you shamnesty, I give you the War for Tourism! Yes, folks, the US Senate is investigating tourism. From the too stupid to be made up department:
The United States has lost billions of dollars and an immeasurable amount of good will since Sept. 11, 2001, terrorism attacks nearly six years ago because of a decline in foreign tourists. Several senators are now trying to get the government involved in bringing those visitors back.

And guess what, we need another bureaucracy to promote tourism...and YOU are going to pay for it....
The Senate Commerce Committee has approved a bill to establish a nonprofit public-private corporation to promote the United States as a tourist destination and clear up misperceptions about U.S. travel policies. It also would create a new office in the Commerce Department to work with other agencies on fixing visa policies and entry processes that discourage visits.

Yes, who cares about the tottering Social Security fund, the porous borders of our nation, I want to find out why more people aren't visiting the world's biggest ball of twine!!!!!

Morons, Idiots! And you wonder why the American people think you suck!

The real issue is that this is about tearing down the customs process and getting rid of some of the changes enacted since 9/11. Think I am wrong? Check this out:
But industry experts also stressed that increased advertising about the wonders of Broadway or the Grand Canyon must be accompanied by changes in the visa and entry systems that keep people away.

Unfortunately the first three hours" — trying to get through customs — "is creating a poor impression and becoming a great barrier to coming," Freeman said. European papers are "filled with horror stories about why you don't want to come to the U.S."

So, because they have to go through a more exhaustive process to make sure Habib the medical student isn't a terrorist doctor, we have to have a new bureaucracy wasting your tax dollars to promote the Land of Opportunity? Give me a break. This is a canard, a falsehood, a bone thrown to special interests. Your New Congress and New Tone of Demcoratic Dominance at Work. While Americans will suffer from Social Security collapsing and the risk of MS 13 and terrorists and the drain of the illegals, at least we will have more tourism....this make any logical sense to you?