The "Deficit Hawk" Update
Grant total for those keeping score: $903,818...nearly a million dollars in grants from the "Deficit Hawk", the Crying Man, our Senator RINOvich...
Mocking the War on Terror
After making a spectacle of himself in calling for surrender in Iraq, the Crying Man, our Senator RINOvich has the audacity to call for a war on terrorists in the Great Lakes known as invasive species.
We played audio of this on the TIB All Stars radio show last week (playing all day today on TIB Radio - check it out!), but if you haven't heard this bit from RINOvich, get it here. Basically, Voinovich reads his column that he wrote for local newspapers from the week before... He actually says this with a straight face:
The Great Lakes ecosystem faces many serious threats and is under attack by terrorists from abroad: invasive species that are causing great harm to our Great Lakes fishery and economy.What about real terrorists, Senator? Should they be stopped too? Or are you only interested in terrorists such as the Asian Carp???
From 1993 to 2003, zebra mussels caused $3 billion in damage to the Great Lakes region. This is a perfect example of why preventing new introductions is so important. Invasive species must be stopped.
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