Thursday, August 16, 2007

WMD Blast

Well, yesterday sure was a fine day for work to get busy...

  • If you haven't heard, Rep. Deb Pryce (R-OH) has decided to retire. Plenty of SOB Alliance coverage on that one: here, and here. That Jim Petro wants the seat is, shall we say, interesting...

  • The man after whom the SOB Alliance is "named" has endorsed Dennis Kucinich's little known primary opponent. Apparently, the space cadet offended the original Fightin' Democrat by calling him a DINO. I thought Paul Hackett decided to give up on Democrats after the great debacle of the Hackett-Brown primary for the US Senate. I hate to admit this, but I'd rather have Hackett in that position than the uber-socialist we ended up with...

  • "Should all Ohioans pay for Riverside's projects?" That is an excellent question. My answer is "no." If Riverside can't hack it as a city, it ought not be a city...

  • "Voinovich under fire from both left, right" Senator called 'turncoat' by conservatives; liberals say he hasn't backed up anti-war stance. - It won't matter to RINOvich or the Ohio GOP that the Crying Man is done politically three years out...both are deaf, blind and dumb on this situation. If the Ohio GOP were an organization that valued principles and cared about retaining this seat, they would be actively encouraging Grandpa Simpson to hang 'em up with enough time to recruit a decent candidate. However, Ohio Republicans would rather lose the seat first... Exit question: If nobody likes him on the left or the right, how is RINOvich going to win an election? The center isn't large enough to win as evidenced by the DeWine Debacle of '06...

  • AP News Alert:
    CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) President Hugo Chavez proposes unlimited re-election and extension of presidential terms.
    I can imagine a President Hillary doing something similar...

  • We'll have stuff from TODAY a little later...

  • AP News Alert at 1:15PM
    MIAMI (AP) The jury has reached a verdict in the Jose Padilla terrorism support trial and it will be read at 2 p.m. EDT
    This guy ought to fry...

  • It is a real sad day around WMD Central Command...