Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hey Speaker Husted, Get to Why You Hate Blogs: Control!

It seems to me that I am writing on a theme here today at WMD. Control. In my previous post, I discussed how in England control for whether you get health treatment or not rests not with you or doctors but with the government. John Edwards wants to bring that system across the Atlantic. As I thought about control, I re-read what Speaker of the Ohio House John Husted had to say about blogs. And I think I get the idea.

Mr. Husted is upset because there is no control over blogs. At least in media, you can silence a reporter by threatening to shut them out of exclusives. In the blogosphere, they will simply go get the info somewhere else and don't need the politician. The blogs are not censored by party considerations or such. Husted wants control. Husted is upset because the blogs represent real people getting the word out on the real state of Ohio and the state of the party.

Husted hates that real people are now trying to drive the agenda, as opposed to the boys in the back room with massuh bennett and co. Husted hates that real conservatives now have a voice in which to speak to many and illustrate the absurdities of those in power currently, like practically making out with the governor over a budget that has more questions than answers.

Husted hates the new media because they will not be controlled or silenced. They cannot be won over (at least the good ones) with stroking egos or special favors. They are an extra set of eyes, something you would think an honest public servant would welcome. It makes one think, what could you possibly have to hide, speaker Husted?

His statements regarding how blogs are getting in the way of driving the agenda are hilarious. Informing people is getting in the way? I thought that was expanding the debate, making better citizens who can make good decisions. Are you just wanting sheep, Speaker Husted?

Like Matt, I have tried to reach out to the Ohio GOP and candidates. The silence is deafening, for the most part. Until they are willing to talk, there will always be an enmity and even disdain on the part of bloggers for politicians. Those of us (most of us) in the rightosphere are not asking to make the decisions for you, but for you to listen to us, to respect us enough to talk, to engage, so maybe we might understand, or you might. I always thought that was part of your job, Speaker. I guess you would rather there be a sheepocracy you can control. Sad, truly sad.