Sunday, October 07, 2007

Granny Brigade of Minutemen Patrolling Border, Because Our Leaders Are too Cowardly

Yes, grandmothers are now patrolling our border with Mexico against illegal immigration because our current resources in the Border Patrol are not enough and our leaders in govt. are too cowardly to do what must be done:
A group of grandmothers opposed to illegal immigration will stand guard on the Arizona-Mexico border southwest of Tucson this weekend.

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Vice President Carmen Mercer says the "granny brigade" is the Betty Crocker generation doing the government's job -- defending the border.

"The grannies, the women, are going to protect the border. I've been the wife of a soldier and I've stood right next to him during his military career and women have always been an important part of any organization."

"We have grandchildren. We have children. We know what's going on in schools. We have drugs introduced in grades schools, not only in high schools anymore. We're worried about diseases coming into our schools. Simply, we want to preserve the quality of life for our children and grandchildren."

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps will be on the border through October

God bless them, and keep them safe....