Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Voinovich Strikes Again

Yes, it is true...George RINOvich found a spending bill he didn't like. Again. Oh...don't was nothing important...just funding for the border fence, border agents, and new vehicles for the Border Patrol.

And George RINOvich? The lone vote against it.

While I appreciate the fiscal conservatism message, George, your record doesn't back up your rhetoric. And just think of what message you are giving to illegal aliens. This is just one more issue that George RINOvich is WRONG on...the list continues to grow and grow.

George, I'll start believing that you are fiscal hawk when you stop all the earmarking and actually do something about cutting spending. Until then, the least you could do is stop embarrassing us...

10/4 UPDATE: Lookee here...Voinovich is spending dollars again...