Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Why Do Democrats Hate the Troops And Coddle Racists Who Hate the Troops?

Remember Pete Stark, the guy who said the President sends troops into harm's way to get their head's blown off for his own amusement? Well, he apologized this week shortly after a motion to censure him failed. However, this clown from California should be more than censured. His latest outrageous (I guess some Wide Open bloggers might have a problem with that, but who cares) comment about the Commander in Chief are but the latest in a career that has had racist and sexist overtones. Here is what he said about a black man who was health and human services secretary in 1990:
''He's a disgrace to his race, because he really does not have the courage to turn his back on Sununu'' and the Administration, Mr. Stark said.

Now, he got out of punishment because he issued a statement of apology that the MSM accepted, because he's a democrat. He didn't have to go on BET and apologize, he didn't have to beg to Jesse Trent Lott. His political career wasn't ended, like George Allen. Mr. Stark also has called a Republican testifying before Congress a whore and called a fellow house member from Colorado a fruitcake.

So, I have to ask: why does the Demcorat party continue to harbor and promote people who hate the troops, are racist, and are mysoginist toward women and make homosexual slurs about others?