Friday, November 16, 2007

House Republicans Sustain Veto of Pork-Laden Labor-HHS-Education Funding Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after House Republicans voted to sustain the veto of the pork-laden Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations conference report (H.R. 3043):

“American taxpayers shouldn’t be asked to subsidize billions in worthless pork and excessive spending at a time when family budgets are tight and health care and gas prices are skyrocketing. Pork projects including $300,000 for an ‘Exploratorium’ in San Francisco, $1 million for the Thomas Daschle Center for Public Service and Representative Democracy in Brookings, South Dakota, and up to $1 million for a Hippie Museum in New York just don’t meet the straight-face test. This was not a fiscally-responsible bill, and American taxpayers deserve better.

“While Congress wastes time on pork-filled legislation that is going nowhere, Democrats continue to delay bipartisan legislation that funds critical benefits such as health care and housing for our veterans and our troops returning home from Iraq. The President has already vowed to sign this bill, and it is unacceptable that Congress has waited for more than two months to send it to his desk.”

NOTE: The Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations conference report (H.R. 3043) contains 2,215 earmarks totaling $678 million.