Thursday, November 29, 2007

Worst Economy Since Hoover Update

AP News Alert:
WASHINGTON (AP) The Commerce Department reports the economy grew at a 4.9 percent pace in the third quarter, the fastest in four years.
I blame Bush...

11:00AM UPDATE: AP News Alert:
WASHINGTON (AP) The Commerce Department reports new-home sales rose 1.7 percent in October.
...and his tax cuts.

2:00PM UPDATE: Leave it to our intellectual superiors over at Plunderbund to toally miss the point...again. BizzyBlog has all the particulars on just how bad business and economy reporting is...that a good story gets any ink in the 527 media at all is nothing short of amazing and whenever they do tell the good news, they make it sound as if breadlines and gas rationing is right around the corner. Guess what? That ain't happening. String together enough anecdotes and sooner or later people start seeing patterns...