Wednesday, December 12, 2007

OH-18: Moll Makes it Official

New Philadelphia, OH 12/12/07 - Jeanette Moll, conservative Republican candidate for Congress in Ohio's 18th Congressional District, filed petitions today to make her candidacy official.

Moll said her candidacy is guided by the need for change in Washington.

"Trust issues abound in Washington despite promises made by Zack Space," Moll said. "His recent trip to Greece is just another example of a politician saying one thing while doing the opposite."

She continued that the lack of trust isn't a Democratic problem or a Republican problem, but a bi-partisan problem.

"The people of the 18th district have been stung by scandal after scandal and it's time to give them strong, conservative, ethical leadership."

The Moll campaign has a large grassroots organization. She was recently endorsed by the Muskingum County Republican Party, the second largest whole county in the district; and she has endorsements from two county chairs and numerous county and local elected officials from throughout the district.

"When I see a problem I want to fix it," Moll said. "Seeing broken homes and broken children led my husband and me to adopt three children - two brothers and their little sister. It's that "can-do" spirit that has prepared me to return a sense of credibility and create change for the people of the 18th district."

Besides the petition signatures, Moll has garnered support for her campaign throughout the district. The Moll campaign has raised money in 14 of the 16 counties and has volunteer support and endorsements in every county. Moll has attended over 20 GOP dinners and visited every county fair in the district.

Jeanette Moll is a practicing attorney and former Magistrate in Guernsey County. She helped open the Washington, D.C. office of Ducks Unlimited before moving back to Ohio to attend law school and raise her family. Wife and mother of two daughters and adoptive mother of three children adopted through Muskingum County Children's Services, Moll has focused much of her life on family, faith, and community.