Boehner will be here all week, people. Don't forget to tip your server...
Some of these people won't be here all week...
House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) announced some staff changes over the recess.
Press secretary Brian Kennedy has left the office to accept a position as vice president of Responsible Resources, a startup nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing effective energy and natural resource policies.
Michael Steel is his replacement. Steel joins Boehner from the office of House Ways and Means Committee ranking Republican Jim McCrery (R-La.), where he served as communications director.
Another recent departure from Boehner’s office is Greg Maurer, who was Boehner’s director of member services. He will now serve as public affairs manager for UPS. Replacing Maurer is Danielle Maurer, his wife. She joins the office from TIAA-CREF, where she was the director of federal government relations. She was previously a senior floor assistant with then-Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s office.