In another thread, WMD reader
Mary wrote that she received an email from the Cincinnati Right to Life PAC indicating that they had endorsed Jean Schmidt for OH-02. I have received a copy of that email and reprint it below:
Cincinnati Right to Life PAC ENDORSES JEAN SCHMIDT:
Pro-Life Incumbent for Ohio's 2nd Congressional District
(January 7, 2008 - Cincinnati, OH) The Cincinnati Right to Life Political Action Committee is proud to endorse pro-life incumbent Representative Jean Schmidt for re-election in Ohio's 2nd Congressional District.
Jean is a dedicated public servant, and has been a consistent voice for life since winning a special election to her 2nd Congressional District seat in 2005.
In the U.S. Congress, Jean has a 100% pro-life rating from the National Right to Life Committee, and most recently voted against U.S. funding of abortions overseas. She has regularly co-sponsored pro-life bills in the House, and is a current co-sponsor of seven key legislative initiatives of National Right to Life.
Jean also has an impressive record of additional community involvement, and has served as a board member and past President of Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati.
"Jean is a consistent champion for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death," said Jack Hart, President, Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati. "We know we can count on her to further pro-life legislative initiatives in the U.S. House of Representatives."
Additional Cincinnati Right to Life PAC endorsements will be released the end of January.
Jack Hart, President, Cincinnati Right to Life Political Action Committee. Contact: Paula Westwood, Executive Director, 513/728-7870.
The Cincinnati Right to Life Political Action Committee (PAC) exists to inform the public of pro-life candidates and issues during elections, and to endorse those candidates who work consistently to insure that pro-life principles of protection and dignity for all innocent human life are upheld in the political arena.