President Bush:
This was not an endorsement, Voinovich said, but merely his assessment in believing that Romney "would make a good manager. I think that's a fundamental characteristic of a president. I think that that's where Bush has gotten in trouble a little bit; we thought he'd be a better manager than he was. Even though he's dedicated himself to management, I think that some of the screw-ups that have occurred have really hurt him. And a lot of Republicans are disappointed because they frankly thought he'd be a better manager. Some of his biggest supporters from the beginning are turned off because they feel that he disappointed them in terms of his management skills."Secretary of State Condi Rice:
"But beyond that I think all of us are concerned about our country. Things are really fragile today in this world. When you think about (it), we're pinned down all over the place, and it's not going to be an easy deal for the next president to come in and deal with these problems. Our public diplomacy is, I think, at its lowest ebb, in spite of the fact that Condoleezza has been trying to do the job, and I think she has.Mitt Romney and Rudy Guiliani:
Asked which candidate he liked from a management perspective, Voinovich -- a former mayor and governor -- said, "Of all the people that are running, the most qualified from a management point of view, there's no question in my mind, is Mitt Romney. He's proven himself in the business sector...The Olympics were really in trouble and they got him involved and he straightened it out... He's got four years of experience in public administration, which is different than leadership in the private sector. So I think from a management point of view, he's got the best credentials.Question: What the &%$$ does George Voinovich know about management? He brought us Tom Noe for crying out loud.
"Even better than Hillary," Voinovich continued, "because Hillary was there but she's never run anything. John McCain has absolutely very little experience in terms of management. Rudy Giuliani has experience from being mayor there, he would argue that he's as qualified on the management side as Romney, but I think probably Romney is more qualified in terms of knowing what you need to do if you get to be head of an organization."
I continue to be amazed at how little RINOvich places any kind of emphasis on the war on terror considering his place on Foreign Relations. I mean, he's all jazzed about stopping the zebra mussel, but the border fence is a bridge too far... And for Voinovich to criticize ANYBODY on foreign affairs after having cried on the floor of the United States Senate over the tragedy of having to think about the super scary John Bolton representing this county at the corrupt cesspool known as the United Nations is deserving of any and all mockery that the blogosphere can muster up.
Well, folks, I can now reveal the secret of why WMD has been so quiet lately... I just got back from a quick trip to Dee Cee where President Bush helped introduce the candidate that will BEAT RINOvich in the primary...

Ladies and Gentlemen of the WMD audience, I present to you...
Ham has filed his petitions and will be on the GOP primary ballot.
Vote early...
Vote often...
Vote like a Democrat if you have to...
1/9/08 UPDATE: In response to the announcement, His RINOness replies, "YOU. DO. NOT. INTIMIDATE. GEORGE. VOINOVICH."
1/9/08 UPDATE 2: The Ham Sandwich for Senate campaign states unequivocally that by 2010, their candidate will not be near as stale as George RINOvich. Fresh ingredients is their platform...