Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A First Look at OH-18's Republican Primary

NOTE: I am still looking at both of these candidates and do not have a favorite at this point. Really, I'm just playing a little devil's advocate in a point-counterpoint style with Justin... No matter who wins the primary, that Republican WILL have my full support against Zack Space... Sometimes it is easy to take the eyes off the ball, but I'm not in a habit of doing that...

I see two serious candidates and a guy who wishes he hadn't bothered... Paul Phillips is a veteran who was born in the district, but now works outside of the district and is on a "leave of absense" from that gig while he campaigns. Jeanette Moll is a legal eagle who wasn't born in the district, but has lived there for the last 15 years.

Let's call that one a draw...


Justin quotes a Paul Phillips interview:
“We can’t live in the past and have to adapt to a changing world. This isn’t bad, just new. Germany dealt with this problem when the wall fell, as cheap labor and manufacturing went east into Poland, Hungary and the rest of the former Soviet Union. The Germans adapted and changed to focus on jobs that they were well suited for, including precision manufacturing and high-tech. We must have the same philosophy. I like defense industries as these are not as easy to farm out to other countries (and I’m very familiar with this area). I like high-tech jobs that take advantage of our high quality of life in our rural, beautiful district, that will attract companies looking for low cost of living and a happy productive work force. Boise, Idaho and Jackson Hole, Wyoming are examples of growth areas based on a similar marketing approach. The telecommunications of today make this possible…(as long as the infrastructure is in place).”
Defense industries key to job growth -- I guess we'll be staying away from an earmarks debate in this race. I really think that real market-based solutions are the answer...not more government handouts...what I read Phillips as advocating here is corporate welfare...and I classify that as pork... Basically, Phillips is saying that he'll bring home the bacon...and don't we have enough of that in Congress already?


Social Issues

I've been hearing a some chatter about that ACLU press release that Moll issued (and WMD published and commented on).

This is a Republican primary. Jobs are vital, and Jeanette is talking about them, health care, illegal immigration, spending and taxes. But, this is a Republican primary... pro life, pro-gun, pro-traditional marriage and anti-bathroom sex are both policies and political stances that work in republican primaries. Look, there's another side to this... in the political environment of the GOP primary, it makes sense to be taking about the economy and the ACLU.

Social issues are important to Republicans. We can argue until we're blue in the face whether or not Jeanette's stand was an attempt to "scare gay-fearing conservatives" to the polls or if it was a serious attempt to illustrate her values and views. Either way, the discussion of the ACLU press release has generated has brought some light on an issue that otherwise may never have see nthe light of day in this campaign. Is there an epidemic of gay sex in the public restroom at an airport in the district? Not likely...but that isn't the point. The point is this candidate has declared a position on the subject.

NOTE: I am still looking at both of these candidates and do not have a favorite at this point. Really, I'm just playing a little devil's advocate in a point-counterpoint style with Justin... No matter who wins the primary, that Republican WILL have my full support against Zack Space... Sometimes it is easy to take the eyes off the ball, but I'm not in a habit of doing that...

UPDATE 1: It occured to me on my way home that I needed to clarify something... This post was constructed by patching together a few IM conversations and in the process, I missed an important piece... I am unable to discern whether or not Phillips is actually advocating for corporate welfare or earmarking; the clip that Justin gave us may not be the full context. However, based on what Justin gave us, I don't think that my conclusion is not unreasonable...

UPDATE 2: Justin updates his post with a link to my "devil's advocacy" and says, "I don't see that as the case at all, rather, that he's looking to make the district friendly to defense technologies." My response: Okay, then why didn't he say that. Also, what's his plan? Meaning, how does he plan to achieve this paradigm shift for the entire district while sitting in an office in DeeCee?

UPDATE 3: I would like to clarify why I'm engaging in devil's advocacy in this post. First of all, I think that a dialogue between the center-right blogs in Ohio is a good thing. Second, I think it is important that we get the best candidate possible for all of our races, including OH-18. Third, I view this sort of open conversation on the strengths and weaknesses of our candidates to be a good thing for our readers and for potential voters. Fourth, I am just as likely to shred Jeanette Moll today as I am anybody else... And lastly, I'm not in the business of shilling for candidates on this blog.