Our friends on the left side of the Ohiosphere are all in a tizzy and I think we ought to take a look at what they have to say. Plunderbund, Buckeye State Blog, and Ohio Valley Politics.
A few thoughts, if you, the kind reader, will indulge me...
Finally, BSB creates a list of things Jeanette Moll should "denounce" as a Republican. How about a list of things the ACLU stands for - besides bathroom sex - that BSB might want to consider before coming to the aid of that group:
1. They're anti gun. (Unlike their beloved right of bathroom sex, the Second Amendment is actually a part of the Constitution.)
2. They advocate open borders and are pro-amnesty.
3. The ACLU -- under the theory of separation of church and state -- is wildly anti-Christian.
4. The ACLU has defended the PLO, Quadafi, Club Gitmo detainees, and they refused money from groups who instituted rules to ensure non-profits monies didn't go to aid the enemy.
5. The ACLU defends child porn saying its distribution is protected by the Constitution.
...and lots more over at Stop the ACLU...
The ACLU ain't exactly credible as a bastion of integrity and sound policy. Yelling "gay-baiting" is fun blog talk, but the reality here is that Jeanette Moll shares her values with the vast majority of the citizens of the 18th district and having sex in airport bathrooms ain't one of them. Let's see how that plays out in a poll...
Over at Plunderbund, Joseph writes:
I’m writing because I don’t think Jeanette Moll is the least bit sincere in her press release.I think Moll sent out the release because the ACLU took a position that offended her values and as such I find it refreshing that a politician would take a risk and let her actual thoughts on a controversial subject like this be known BEFORE THE ELECTION. That's right...if you don't like Moll's position on this, and you happen to live in the 18th district, you can vote against her and support gay-baiting sex-in-bathrooms to your hearts content. I don't see this release as a method of scaring people...I see it as a method of expressing her opinion; which, the ACLU ought to still support too...
She has only one purpose: scare people into voting for her by invoking two themes that always get wingnuts riled up: hatred of the big, scary ACLU and fear of icky gay people who are trying to corrupt our children.
As usual, your mileage may vary...and for the lefties in the vast WMD audience, it probably does...
1/22/08 UPDATE: Welcome to the ACLU...please check us out...you might learn something...