Saturday, January 05, 2008

Romney Buys Wyoming; Lied About Fred

AP News Alert:
CASPER, Wyo. (AP) Mitt Romney has won the Republican caucuses in Wyoming.
Money pays...

Romney Tonight: “We don't need HillaryCare or socialized medicine...” (Gov. Mitt Romney, Republican Presidential Candidates Debate, Manchester, NH, 1/5/08)

Clinton Senate Legislative Director Laurie Rubiner on RomneyCare: “It’s sort of funny to me that [Romney] would cast it as a big government solution, when it’s essentially what he enacted in Massachusetts …” (Ben Smith, “Firing Back,” Politico’s “Ben Smith Blog,”, 9/17/07, Accessed 9/18/07)
UPDATE 2: Fred comes in second and gains 2 delegates... In other news, that "rumor" about Fred dropping out and endorsing McCain? According to Bob Novak, that was the work of Mitt Romney...
"Published reports that Fred Thompson soon will withdraw from the Republican presidential contest and endorse Sen. John McCain have been traced in part to Mitt Romney's campaign, trying to stir up strife between McCain and Thompson."