6:45 - What do I expect? As much as it pains me, I think McCain is going to win this one. I'm hoping for Thompson to pull out a surprise and take second, but it appears that Huckabee is going to take the silver tonight. The battle for the bronze will likely be between The Fred and The Mittster...
7:00 - Polls are closed and the TIB All-Stars are on the air...
7:35 - Question from the comments: "What was the reason for the GOP candidates to ignore NV as they did?" - Answer: Follow the money. With the GOP nomination running so tight, most of the campaigns didn't think NV was enough of a "get" to justify the expenditure. UPDATE: Also, if NV was a winner-take-all for delegates... With Romney expected to win big there, there was no reason to campaign there. UPDATE 2: As Mark McNally points out in the comments, NV was NOT winner-take-all...if I am reading this right, there was a better chance of picking up delegates in NV than in SC as it turned out nobody bu the Maverick and the Huckster got delegates in SC...
7:40 - Is Fred done if he doesn't finish higher than fourth? He has money to carry him on for a bit, but short of staying in to keeping his issues on the table there really isn't much chance of him winning.
McCain wins...Huckster in second...Fred hangs on to third...Romney crashes in fourth...and the also rans also ran...Duncan Hunter dropped out...