Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Worst Economy Since Hoover Update

AP News Alert:
WASHINGTON (AP) The government reports that orders to U.S. factories for big-ticket manufactured goods soared 5.2 percent in December, the largest gain in five months.
As usual, I blame Bush...

UPDATE: For the LOVE OF JEEBUS, man, it's called schtick... For the humor impaired liberal, this is also schtick... What is the matter with you people? Seriously???

UPDATE 2: On the other hand, if your actually going to claim that there are breadlines forming and gas rationing and APOCOLYPSE! (tm) during a time period where we've over 50+ quarters of economic growth, I'm going to have to go ahead and call the "reality-based" community on the delusions that they are apparently suffering from... It's called Bush Derangement Syndrome. Although, I suspect that it is actually the Republican Derangement Syndrome...which is going to be much more serious to get over.

UPDATE 3: Oh, yes, by all means...the CURE for a slowing economy is to tax the bejeebus out of EVERYBODY...because, as we all know, government spends our money better than we do...and somehow that means we'll all be better off if wwe're paying more taxes...or something.....