Friday, February 22, 2008

12th Court of Appeals: Journal-News Endorses McElwee

From the endorsement:
The younger Hendrickson, who has presided over the Area III Court since 1997, has been endorsed by the Republican Party of Butler County, the appellate district's most populous county, and many other Butler County leaders. He is an accomplished and respected judge, effectively dealing with a high case load and his own private practice, and generously attributes his heavy civic and church involvement to his parents' strong work ethic. He would be a fine addition to the appellate court and would represent Butler County well.

But, at the risk of angering Butler County party loyalists, we are lending our endorsement to his energetic opponent, Mary McElwee of Wilmington.

Her long experience as a magistrate in Clinton, Brown and Highland counties, working with eight different judges, and her service as a longtime instructor for the Ohio Supreme Court Judicial College, as well as her extensive involvement in judicial seminars and conferences, make her a rare candidate, we believe. She impresses us as a tireless student of the law, an attribute that would serve her well as an appellate judge.

Should she emerge as the winner in March and in November, she would be the first woman to serve as a judge on the prestigious court. And she would also provide representation for the counties that are least represented on the 12th District Court.

Both candidates are excellent choices, and Republicans across the 12th Appellate District are fortunate in that regard. However, we feel that Mary McElwee's experience, energy and enthusiasm give her the edge in this contest.
One has to wonder if the editorial board bothered to find out if McElwee even lives in the district...

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