Monday, February 18, 2008

Analysis of and Endorsement in OH-16

Analysis of and Endorsement in OH-16

The WMD Editors have reviewed all three candidates for the US House of Representatives seat being vacated by Rep. Ralph Regula in Ohio’s Sixteenth Congressional district and have selected a candidate for endorsement.

The candidates are Paul Schiffer, Matt Miller, and Kirk Schuring. We will provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate and then provide our endorsement statement. You can find our side-by-side issue statements from the candidates here.

Paul Schiffer

Paul Schiffer is a talk radio host on air in the district. We have heard that he has attracted a nice sized audience, but we had never heard of him prior to this race. Whatever impact his celebrity may have on the race is not detectable by his fundraising efforts nor has there been any “buzz” about his campaign in traditional political circles.

While there are a number of issues that Schiffer holds positions that we could support, namely illegal immigration, national security and the 2nd Amendment; there are a number of issues where Schiffer supports ideas that are contrary to rational thought. Take for instance, his position on the so-called North American Union… This whole concept is nothing more than a conspiracy theory talked about on late night “entertainment” talk radio. That Schiffer takes this stuff seriously is a sign that he is not an appropriate choice for the US House of Representatives.

Schiffer carries on about “entangling alliances” much like Rep. Ron Paul does while ignoring the fact that these very institutions, and our involvement in them, is fundamentally important to the global economy and our prosperity from participating in it.

Matt Miller

Matt Miller is a county commissioner in the district. He has a bright future in GOP politics, but we feel that he isn’t quite ready for such a high-profile office at this time. His fundraising efforts have proven fruitless, but he does have a base of support to build on going forward.

Our analysis of Miller’s positions have left us feeling that Miller would be acceptable, but his issue statements seem deeply entrenched in cliché and lack real depth of substance. We would like to see Miller serve in the state legislature and gain some more experience before moving on to the next level.

Kirk Schuring

Kirk Schuring is a state representative in the district. He his vast and strong support from the Republican establishment and has out raised Miller 3-to-1 and has twice as much on hand as Miller. The list of Republicans who have endorsed his candidacy is pretty much a Who’s Who of OH-16 Republicans and includes Rep. Regula himself.

Schuring’s position statements have been pretty strong and we find him particularly favorable in the areas of economic issues including taxes and controlling spending, illegal immigration and border security. While his Iraq position is very similar to Schiffer’s, we feel the Schuring will represent the district’s views on the war more closely than any other candidate in the race.

There is very little doubt in our mind that Schuring is the best candidate running in OH-16. Unless something catastrophic is revealed before the primary, it appears he will be the Republican nominee for the OH-16 seat.

Endorsement Statement

The editors of WMD believe that there is no other choice than Kirk Schuring for this race. Schuring’s strength is demonstrated time and again by the people who have chosen to endorse him and support him financially. He has demonstrated that he has the experience and the backing to take on a Democrat in this race and win. While the other two candidates in the Republican primary would be acceptable, neither have demonstrated that they possess the infrastructure required to take on a high-profile Democrat in a high-profile race as OH-16 is going to be. Schuring is the man who can beat John Boccieri in the general election.

It is with great enthusiasm that the editors of Weapons of Mass Discussion endorse Kirk Schuring for the US House of Representatives in Ohio's Sixteenth Congressional District.

Mark's Remarks

All I can add is: I'm Mark the Whole D@#n Show and I approved this message...

UPDATE: Here is a map of the district for reference.