Monday, February 18, 2008

Butler County Update: Taxes? I Don't Need to Pay Taxes!

I've got to give credit to Modern Esquire for this one...because this is a gem! The lady screaming about not passing tax laws without having the people vote for them has a problem with her taxes. No kidding. The case number is ST 2007 10 2483 and can be found on the Butler County Clerk of Courts site. Modern Esquire sums up the case pretty well, so I'll let him tell it:
The primary debtor is listed as her husband but the State has a judgment lien against both Mr. & Mrs. Lady Di.

As recently as last week, the State has gotten an Order to garnish their bank accounts to pay off their tax debt.

Wonder what Kay Rogers will say about this??
You might think that an Auditor might have something to say about this sort of thing...

Just another reason why Rawnica Wilson-Dillingham-Ruscigno is a hypocrit and unfit for office...