Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Buckeye Institute Comments on Governor's Stimulus Plan

This just in...
COLUMBUS -- Buckeye Institute President David Hansen today expressed concerns regarding Governor Ted Strickland’s plan to create short-term economic growth through the issuance of long-term debt obligations. He made the following statement about the governor’s $1.7 billion bond sale proposal:

“The governor is sacrificing long-term economic growth for a short-term payoff. Bonds are not free. Future generations of Ohioans will be stuck with an ever-increasing mountain of state debt, payable with interest.”

“Government has nothing to give that it hasn’t already taken away from taxpayers. More government spending is not the answer. Only cuts in taxes and spending will free our state’s entrepreneurs and put our economy back on a path to sustained job creation and economic growth.”
Strickland's plan must be resisted because down that path lies serious debt for our children and grandchildren...all so Strickland's approval rating can stay where it is... Ohio needs a REAL solution to turn around the situation we're in...all we are getting from the governor is the same old gimmicks and nothing remotely close to a solution to the actual problem.