CINCINNATI (TDB) -- Rob Portman -- the former White House budget director who left the Bush Administration last summer -- is still sitting on campaign contributions raised before he quit the House in early 2005. He has nearly $1.5 million left over from his days representing Ohio's 2nd Congressional district, a huge financial nestegg that could hatch his political future. Portman has recently let it be known he thinks John McCain would be the Republican Party's strongest candidate in the nation's most important swing state. He also may be dreaming about landing on the national ticket with McCain.I'd much rather Portman dream about the United States Senate...but if not, we still have a better candidate than sending RINOvich back...however, I'd really much prefer Portman. still has money that he can't spend on a run for Governor. Which is just as well, because Portman's fellow rubber chicken dinner keynote speaker pal, John Kasich has pretty much locked that up anyway...
But Veep? For McCain? Seriously...he might as well just go ahead and run against Voinovich. Oh yeah! I almost forgot, RINOvich thinks that Portman isn't good "above" Columbus...
But seriously, folks... Portman doesn't have enough experience or name recognition to run for Vice President of the United States.
Stop the insanity!
Please...and Thank You!